Nvidia Driver and Cuda9.0 Installation
Tested hardware and OS configuration: OS: Ubuntu 16.04 LTS NVIDIA Graphic Card: Quadro M1000M Cuda Version: 9.0 Graphic Card Driver Version: 410.xx ...
Tested hardware and OS configuration: OS: Ubuntu 16.04 LTS NVIDIA Graphic Card: Quadro M1000M Cuda Version: 9.0 Graphic Card Driver Version: 410.xx ...
Nothing would be more frustrating than to install apt packages from sources outside of China, especially from PPA. If you try to update the c++ compiler to g...
This blog will introduce how the port_apollo repository converts an apollo module to a normal ROS package and uses Apollo algorithms in your own ros package ...
The design of nodes varies according to the requirements of different applications. Selecting the right node pattern is pretty important for achieving certai...
Highlighting a specific author’s name is useful and widely used in CV. But there is no elegant way to do it with existing latex packages. The IEEEtran.bst st...
Gollum wiki plays an important role in my research and study for keeping small pieces of knowledge organized. When I want to write a note, or keep some usefu...
There are two ways to set parameters in ROS. One is loading parameter value from yaml files to the parameter_server. It’s not flexible to adjust the values o...
Basically there are two ways to create python bindings for your ros libraries. One way is to start from scratch and shows all the necessary details to create...
There are several interesting tips you need to know about catkin tools
I have tried Eclipse, QtCreator, Clion for c++ software development in ROS.
安装步骤 requirements:
IPOPT install tutorial: http://wiki.icub.org/wiki/Installing_IPOPT
If you don’t want to input username and password when you push git repo to gitlab server, try ssh public-key authentication.